Saturday, August 16, 2008

Charlotte and Carrie

I have not blogged for awhile. So much has happened since April. I got a job as an instructional assistant in kindergarten. School starts very soon. I will be happy to be back in the classroom after a year off!
My husband and I took a trip to the Grand Canyon, Bryce Canyon and Zion in June. It was a trip of a lifetime. Bryce was my favorite. We flew in and out of Las Vegas. Las Vegas is interesting to see but was not for me.
My little granddaughter, Charlotte, was baptized in July. My husband, daughter, Sally, and her husband, Andrew, all attended the baptism along with Charlotte's other grandparents and great grandparents. It was a wonderful day. I smocked (in blue to match her eyes) a dress for Charlotte to wear on her special day.
This month I've been doing a lot of outside work. My husband and I trimmed shrubs that were incredibly overgrown and with the help of Sally and Andrew cleaned up a huge tree that fell down at Fern Hill. It was a challenge getting electricity restored.

1 comment:

Let's hear something positive for a change said...

I publish a newsletter in Mt. Gretna (see http//

Could you please send me an email at

I'd like to call your latest blog to the attention of my readers. They love to see what cottages here that others find fascinating. I'd appreciate your permission to cite "Fern Hill"

I'll look forward to hearing from you. Roger Groce, Editor